hey. it looks like you've found the secret page. normally people would take this opportunity to sneak a loss or a rickroll here. i'm not that kind of person. all i want to do here is to remind you, dear internet stranger, that you are beautiful and amazing. no matter how bleak things look, they will get better. trust me. i have been through hell, and i have come out the other side with a smile on my face -- though that face may be covered in debris, and that smile may have taken a long time to form. and i'm not a particularly impressive person. if i can do it, so can you. it won't be easy, i admit. there will come a moment early in your path where you will have to stand and fight your biggest adversary. and it will be hard. extraordinarily hard. but then it will be over. everything from there on out will get easier and easier, and you will look back and wonder how you ever found the battle hard. and i will be with you every step of the journey, because no matter who you are, i love you.